Monastery St. Constantine and Elena

300 meters from hotel Gloria is the monastery "St. St. Constantine and Elena". The monastery was built in the 16th century near a healing spring, but was destroyed during the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. He had a miraculous icon of St. St. Constantine and Elena, who cannot be seen at present. The whole complex consists of a church, a bell tower, a small yard and a surrounding fence of stone and wood.

The holy spring of the monastery has not dried up and continues to be built right under the altar of the church. It is believed that its water helps in the treatment of eye diseases, as well as other complaints. The monastery was rebuilt in 1972, and the frescoes of the church date from that time. The only remaining building of the monastery is the stone church, half dug into the ground.

The wooden dome of the church is particularly impressive with its almost round shape and its rich decoration with wood carvings on the inside. The church still performs the usual services to this day.

Св. св. Константин и Елена


st.Constantin and Elena
Bulgaria, Varna, 9006

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